Estonians have lived in this same place, a deeply forestedland with strong maritime traditions, since the ice age.
It has grown to be among the wealthiest countries in
Eastern Europe.
With a population of only 1.3 million people, Estonia has
nurtured a long history of art making beginning in the
prehistoric era. Today, it is recognized for its incredible
technological advances and for its strong printmaking
tradition. Today, the government funds a great deal of the
country’s art through a program of small grants.
Boasting a population of less than half a million and 44 art museums, Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, takes its art and culture very seriously. Join Juri Koll (ViCA), Vilen Künnapu, Kaija Kesa, Kelli Turmann (NOAR), and others to explore Estonia’s culturally rich art world from the perspective of those who know it best.